The Nécuidet marsh

  • Équipements
  • The Nécuidet marsh

Practical information

Starting point

Parking de la Salle des Fêtes
73190 La Thuile
Locate on map

By car: park in the car park of the salle des fêtes of La Thuile.


04 79 33 42 47


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Level bue - Medium
3.9 km


Situated at 780 m deep in a verdant valley, the Marais de Nécuidet (marshland) has much ecological appeal. The wet grasslands of the Marais are preserved by traditional and adapted agricultural practices like grazing and scything.

-On the route, an information board allows you to discover the geographical features, animals and plants of the marshland.
-Protected plants in the Rhône-Alpes region: the adder's-tongue fern and Montpellier thistle (Mediterranean variety which reaches its northern limit in the Savoy region).
-A golden-ringed dragonfly, water-meadow grasshopper, and marsh warbler (bird) are among the living pearls of this wetland.

Interesting titbits
In the past, the marshland used to stretch to the foot of the hamlets of Nécuidet and Morion. In 1975, the brook that flowed in this vale was transformed into a straight drainage ditch to reach the farmlands. Little by little the marshland dried up and lost its remarkable natural features.
In 2014, renaturation works of the brook and the wetland have returned the marshland to its true function. Brown trout, dragonflies, amphibians are back again!

Guidebook with maps/step-by-step

Departure: From the village hall (Salle des Fêtes), follow the tarred road in the direction of Morion.

1/ At the first bend, take the path to the right.

2/ At the junction, turn left and take the path that descends alongside a hedge of pollarded ash trees (pruned into a ball).

3/ In Morion, turn left towards the tarred road.

4/ Take the path running alongside the Nécuidet Marshland to the right.
The variant, starting at the "Route de Nécuidet", joins the route at this stage.

5/ At the cross, take the direction of "Le Lac" to return to the village of Thuile.


All year round.

Subject to favorable weather.


Elevation gain 138 m
Nature of the ground Stone
Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)
Not suitable for strollers
Way marking Yellow markings.
Cartographic references IGN Top 25 - 3332OT and 3432OT.
Animaux Pets allowed

Hosting conditions:
Les chiens doivent obligatoirement être tenus en laisse.

Additional information


Picnic area


Pets welcome



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